As always I think it will take a few more reads for me to sort out the many resonant ideas and questions offered up with these musings, Hannah. But I have to at least give some immediate recognition of the real openness by which it is all presented, especially starting with your own acknowledgement of "where you are in your cycle."

This might just be the most taboo of all declarations, possibly in the entire world. And yet, it is literally an essential part of the process by which all humanity depends on for reproduction. From my perspective, it seems to me that women have essentially been admonished to pretend "it" doesn't even exist. This is especially the case for those that climb up the higher levels of social and economic power.

Naturally, when a topic is made to be hidden, it "excuses" all kinds policy neglect too. Like how little medical research has been done to better our understanding of the implications of a continuously changing monthly cycle. Or how that cycle changes with age and what happens as it ends. Or how most medication (of any kind) only gets tested on men because researchers think "it's too complicated" to consider the effect of hormone variations that they might have to deal with in female test subjects.

The menstrual cycle certainly isn't the "only" aspect of living that isn't talked about publicly, but considering it's a normal process experienced by virtually every living adult woman, it absolutely deserves to be brought into the light.

Peace :)

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Doug, reading this made my heart melt a little (and it was already pretty melty!). To have a friend who's in a male body write so thoughtfully about the importance - the essentialness - of a woman's cycle means a lot. So grateful for your embodied wisdom on our shared planet. :)

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beautiful, lots of thoughts arising from this. Great contemplation for me this week. Thank you for this Hannah <3

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