This morning’s offering is a brief video I filmed on September 25th. I drove to a beloved beach, Independence Park in Beverly, MA, to watch the sunrise. I hadn’t checked the weather, and it was surprisingly cold, windy, and cloudy. You can hear the raucous ocean energies accompany my voice.
What I know for sure is that no matter how ferocious the tide may seem,
No matter how cloudy the sky has become,
The dawn is coming
The dawn is coming for sure
The wind may be blowing fiercely
You may feel the chill to your very bones
There may be birds circling overhead that don’t seem safe or right
You may look at the signs and you may feel that the signs tell stories of utter destruction
and still,
I tell you the dawn is coming.
And in the rush of the ocean,
In the wildness of your own pure, true heart,
Know that you are protected,
You are inviolate.
You cannot be harmed -
the truest truth of who you are -
Know that.
It may be cloudy, but the sun is rising even now.