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astonishing (from Little Women)

true cover #1 - dedicated to Caroline

True Covers: This is the first “true cover” that I’m putting out into the world; these will come when the whim strikes. For me, a “true cover” is a song that I love enough to revise: I alter the lyrics so that it feels more true to me. When I sing something repeatedly, I want to make sure I’m sending out vibrations that are in full alignment with who I am becoming. (“True Covers” also sounds like “True Colors;” shout out to the luminous Cyndi Lauper.)

The original: The song’s lyrics are by Mindi Dickstein; music by Jason Howland. Sutton Foster originated the role of Jo March in Little Women the Musical on Broadway in 2005. Here’s a vid from a televised performance. You can find many versions of this song out there; I particularly like this one by Natalie Weiss.

Dedication: This true cover goes out to my beloved muse/voice teacher Caroline Khella-Hope, a thunderous force of nature (“astonishing” finds its root in the Latin word for thunder). Caroline draws forth the authentic fullness of many others. Happy belated birthday; may you continue to live into all aspects of who you are.

In the video, following the song, I explain a couple of the tweaks I made to my version, but I forgot to mention that I changed the line “I can feel it [the life I’m meant to lead] and it’s far from here” to “I can feel it; it’s not far from here.” I also want to be sure to link y’all to the amazing Malala, since I invoke her in this true cover.

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